![]() OLD G link ad area Last Minute Sign Repair & Maintenance Program! eYour company’s sign maintenance and repair program on the last minute need basis? You are not the only company, but this may expose oneself and your company to some public liability risks. Negligence of sign repairs does not make a good defense! Predictably, sign service urgency goes up when the Weather Network reports 35 mile-an-hour winds with gusts up to 60 miles an hour. This is when the garbage bins blow across the street and the flags blow straight out! Sign frames come loose, sign faces blow out sign parts and components fall off. Public beware! On a windy day a loose sign frame starts flapping aggressively or flips over in the wind smashing the face, maybe banging up against the building, staff send out the 911 sign repair call. But it is harder to get sign service, you and others phone around in an urgency for sign service call. A sign repair truck can be difficult to find. Especially for an emergency sign repair call where a turnaround window of say two hours is needed. This is the same time, that it is the most dangerous for a sign repairer to secure a sign. They may and do sometimes have to walk away. A little sign preventive maintenance can help avoid the stress of arranging last minute sign repair and service. Preventive sign maintenance can avoid the potential risk of a sign hitting a person, children or vehicles on a stormy day. One of the biggest problems is with the fluorescent sign boxes where the frame screws located in the bottom of the sign box have dropped out or gone missing: This can be the result of several things: (a) Through years of sign service, various companies servicing the sign do not return all the original fastening screws. (b) The frame screws have dropped out due to the sign vibration, creating larger screw holes. Screws are loose in the old holes reused several times and eventually drop out. (c) Improper use of screw type or too small of a sheet metal screw used by the OEM. We have seen #10 screws used which do not have sufficient coarse thread to bite into the sign box metal. Over time they drop out. (d) Lack of manufacturers or shops to install screws in the sides of large sign boxes. Local electrical repair companies are not as familiar with manufacturing don’t see or realize the problem of missing screws in the sides Sign Repair & Maintenance Notes: A)
Side screws in the frame into the sign box are a good form of back up
to prevent sign frame blow out. These secure the sign frames to the side
of the sign box preventing hinged sign frames from opening when the bottom
screws are either missing or work themselves loose or drop out. The Last Minute Sign Repair & Maintenance Program will never disappear do to the unexpected sign repair problems. If one can get store managers to do walk around inspections to check exterior signs, building siding and building flashing on a mild windy day then one can probably offset the added cost of sign and building repairs caused on an extremely windy day! For
some Sign Repair & Maintenance Solutions see the following link!
Last Minute Sign Repair & Maintenance Program Solutions! Types of Neon Channel Letter Signs!Neon Sign Repair and Neon Maintenance!Neon Beer & Liquor Sign Repair and Neon Maintenance!
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